Breaking The Ice

Did you know we all are weakly bioluminescent?

Hey There,

I am Sagar Das, a student at the University of Maryland, College Park, pursuing a master's degree in information management. My core interests lie in data science and engineering methods, along with MLOps and DevOps.

If I were to pinpoint where my fascination with data started, it would probably be my undergraduate days at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. After completing a couple of projects in college that involved Python, SQL, machine learning, and cloud computing, I felt this was the path I would like to take professionally. Data engineering seemed like the perfect path for me, as I was able to not only think from a user's perspective but also from a technical standpoint, which has helped me immensely navigate the challenges of building a modern data stack.

I started out as an intern at a cloud engineering startup and eventually quit my last role as a senior software engineer to pursue higher studies. More about my professional career can be found here. After obtaining a couple of years of experience, I wanted to deepen my understanding of the data landscape, and I aim to transition into a full-fledged data professional.

Apart from tech, I like to spend my time playing football/soccer. I am also an avid fan of the English football team - Liverpool Football Club, I try not to miss a single match telecast to the best of my schedule. I also like to spend time outdoors, capture landscape shots while I am at it and enjoy hiking/biking trips every now and then.


Work Experience

Tiger Analytics India Consulting
Led a key feature module as a Senior Software Engineer [Data Engineering]

  • Engineered an AWS data lake framework to ingest data from disparate sources, perform sensitive data identification and encryption, implement user-defined data quality rules and SCD-Type2 logic, and publish the data to a consumption layer as a means to improve organizational data observability, and reduce the time to market by approx 30%
  • Designed and implemented a user configurable, metadata-driven Data Quality framework based on Python, SQL, AWS ecosystem, Great Expectations, and Deequ to enhance the quality of incoming data.
  • Led a team of 3 software engineers in designing a data protection solution for the data lake framework and implemented a custom AWS Macie driven sensitive data capture and format preserving reversible encryption mechanism based on Python, Scala, and AWS ecosystem to enhance the safety of the PII data.
  • Developed the initial backend API of the data lake frameworks web interface by using AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda and GraphQL which allowed the users to monitor their data assets in real-time.

Dhruv Research
A short but enriching experience as an Analyst

  • Designed and implemented a time-driven AWS workflow to ingest data from real-time surveys, cleanse it, store the entries on RDS, perform business operations on the stored data, and generate dashboards on Power BI.

Started out as an intern and later became a Software Engineer [Data Engineering]

  • Implemented decision tree classifiers to identify market segmentation and assisted in developing the core ML model for accurate product recommendation based on behavioral and personality traits.
  • Ideated an event-triggered step function workflow in the AWS cloud to schedule custom ETL jobs that will fetch, enrich and impute the data from the file that lands in the associated S3 bucket
  • Developed a Linux command line interface to compare the accuracies of various ML models by building a custom python library on top of the MLFlow API.
  • Collaborated with the cloud engineering team of a renewable energy giant to build a data platform on Databricks, which can monitor solar assets, and windmill farms across 70+ live locations to reliably forecast power demand and predict available power production enhancing organizational efficiency.
  • Aided the data-engineering team in developing spark-based ETL workflows to retrieve batch and streaming data from S3, perform feature engineering, implement core business logic, and generate interactive dashboards on Databricks cloud.

Personal Projects


University of Maryland, College Park
Master of Information Management

  • August 2023 - May 2025 [Expected]

Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology

  • Attended from August 2015 - May 2019
  • Secured a CGPA of 7.72 / 10.0
  • Proactive member of Entrepreneurship-Cell, Photography Club
  • Captained the college football team

Sir Padampat Singhania School, Baran road, Kota
Senior Secondary [CBSE]

  • Attended April 2012 - March 2014
  • 88% in XIIth CBSE board
  • Represented the school in a few inter-school tournaments

Technical Skills

  • DS & Algorithms: Standard DS and Algorithms
  • Programming Languages: Python, C++
  • Big Data Processing: Apache Spark, Apache Beam, Apache Kafka
  • Database: ElasticSearch, MySQL, PostGres, DynamoDB
  • Cloud Infrastructure: Docker and Kubernetes, CI Pipeline build using Jenkins, AWS
  • ML Frameworks: SkLearn, MLFlow, Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV
  • Data viz: Matplotlib, Seaborn
  • Web Frameworks: Django, Flask, HTML, CSS, BootStrap, Javascript

Soft Skills

